“Preface: thoughtfull Thursdays are sometimes, though not necessarily always, thoughful, however are moreso referred to as such because they are FULL of THOUGHTS.
p.s. if you’re reading this, could you hit the like button so I know that someone is?”
This may sound like the simplest thing in the world to some, and even if you’re thinking “why should I bother reading this,” I still think you should. For me, the reason I’m writing this is because if I were wondering what manifestation felt like, I’d likely Google search “What does manifestation feel like?” And in fact, I did once have that pondering, but it was before the time of even thinking to consult your own personal technological information slave (Google, Siri, Alexa). In fact. I haven’t searched that query, I’ll admit, but if I had, I’m sure I would’ve wanted to find something (and we all remember the days when our searches led us to dead ends, or perhaps only those millennial and older ) .
Anyhow, I’ll get to the point now. I just had a moment of experience that I feel best describes the sensation of manifestation and I wanted to share it with anyone who might not know exactly, or even in any minor semblance, what manifestation feels like.
Just this morning, I was getting my life together like I always do at least once or twice or 55 times a week, organizing things in my room, folding clothing, and putting away laundry in their respective home spaces. I felt a piece of paper in the back pocket of a pair of jeans that I was rolling up and felt into the pocket, expecting maybe a parking ticket voucher or something of the like. As I reached into my pocket, I found my social security card. I know, I absolutely know that you’re thinking that’s not something you’d want to lose. I agree, especially having clearly misplaced mine. What might be more troubling than the prospect of having lost such an article of importance, is that it’s probably been about a year since I’d last seen it. It’s how funny how these little things work, though. I remember having thought just recently, maybe a week, maybe a few weeks, maybe a couple months ago, “I know my social security card is here somewhere, it’ll pop up eventually.” I made maybe one relaxed effort to find it, but didn’t stress too much about it like I might’ve scoured for anything else with more of an urgent necessity. After that, I guess you could say it was on the back-burner amidst all the other things I have on my mind that call to be attended to more immediately. And then, some time and literally no effort later, here is my social security card, back in my secured possession. I feel very strongly that you’ve likely experienced something like this at least once in your life. This feeling of relief and joy that washes over you is nearly magical, so it sometimes seems. I once read someone’s description of love to be something along the lines of,” it feels like everything I ever lost come back to me.”
I can’t argue with a person feeling that way about love. And I add to it that manifesting feels that way also. Whether or not you actually lost an item or idea, a feeling or sensation from your experience of life, there is an incomparable feeling that occurs when you get or get back something you desired that you all but let go of.
Whether or not you believe it’s a scientific coincidence or a manifestational, and still scientific, occurrence, it’s the feeling that we’re focusing on, the sensation of seemingly calling to something with your mind, letting the matter go with ease, and experiencing the appearance of said item.
As some metaphysicists would say, that was the “set it and forget it” method of manifestation.
Have a clear and unwavering image in your mind of what it is you want or are hoping for, with full belief of it.
Let that idea, that desire, that want go and forget about it, or at least cease attachment or dwelling about it.
Watch it manifest.
For anyone completely new to or in disbelief of manifestational occurrences, I dare you to just try it.
Now of course, it can work to your advantage or your disadvantage, as I’m sure many of us can believe and know has happened to use; thinking something you don’t want, watching it come to life. You imagined it, after all? And then right there it was.
I know it sounds too easy to be true, because it sounds easier that it is.
One of three mistakes might happen when you’re manifesting: You either don’t believe it can actually happen, whether literally or figuratively, or you think so hard of what you don’t want that THAT is what in fact ends up happening. Or, potentially the worst of them all, you continue to spend so much time thinking about or wanting something that you inadvertently push it away. More on that another time.
Try these simple steps out and even if you don’t experience manifesting up front, you might at least become more clear in your mind about what it is you truly want or where in your life you could stand to place more belief.
-Cher Nicolas RYT-200, Reiki Master Practitioner, observer of life